Tag: forest

Growing your own medicine! Pt. 2

Growing your own medicine! Pt. 2 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path In today’s podcast Sam Coffman continues the discussion about what is involved in growing medicinal plants for your own back yard “farmacy.” Whether you are growing medicine alongside your food in your backyard, or you have a “guerilla garden” growing in the city…
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June 3, 2014 0

Foraging Wild Edibles!

There is food all around you and you don’t even know it. You have heard this at least 10 times on prepped forums or in articles. We’ll who has the time to learn and identify all of the edible weeds, leaves, nuts and what have you’s. I may have the answer for you. Identifying a…
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July 5, 2013 0

Edible Forest Garden

Imagine yourself in a forest where everything around you is either food or medicine!  you have to look carefully, but if you do, you find fruits and nuts swelling with ripeness on the branches all around you!  Because it’s so well hidden, “Zombie hoards” pass by without noticing.  Pears, apples, persimmons, plums, almonds, and peaches…
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March 20, 2013 0

Uses for certain trees as well as some tasty tree treats!

This Friday evening on Foraging For Life we will be discussing the different uses for certain trees as a means to sustain ones’ self along with some tricks one can do to obtain some tasty treats from those trees. We will also look into some of the natural medicinal attributes for a few of the…
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February 22, 2013 0