Tag: food production

Home Food Production!

Home Food Production! Host: Mike Podlesny “Mike The Gardener” In this week’s episode, Mike interviews Steven Biggs. Steven Biggs is a journalist and author specializing in gardening, farming, and food production. As a life-long gardener, he has gardened wherever he’s lived, planting allotment gardens, container gardens, indoor gardens, and gardens in the overgrown backyards of…
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August 8, 2014 0

Backyard Food Production part 2!

Backyard Food Production part 2 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This podcast is a Part 2 from an older podcast that Sam Coffman did with Marjory Wildcraft of Backyard Food Production. This has no longer been available on the web, and Sam wanted to get it back up online because it has a lot…
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March 4, 2014 0

Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production!

Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production! Hosts: Don, Nick, Bobby, & Sam We have Monday and Tuesday covered with three great shows you won’t want to miss. Monday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct. 6pm/Pt. “We Grow Ours” starts us off with Don and Nick on “Agriscaping”! Agriscaping? That is not a word.. Oh, but it is, and it is amazing!…
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February 24, 2014 0

Storing food for sustainability when times get hard!

Every prepper should be raising at least some of their own food.  Be it for stockpiling now, or as a primary food source when at all goes down, the practice of feeding yourself just makes sense.  But it isn’t as simple as stocking up on seeds and dropping them in the ground.  Believe it or…
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August 17, 2013 0

How much food you can produce with the land you have available?

Join Denob AKA The Prepared Canadian for a look at the International Prepper Community, as we look at topics of interest from preppers just like you.  This week’s show will focus on home food production. How much food you can produce with the land you have available and we’ll take a look at how much…
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November 24, 2012 0