Tag: Engineer775

Engineer775 and Practical Preppers

Engineer775 and Practical Preppers Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! Scott Hunt is a sustainable living design engineer. He specializes in off-grid water and energy systems. His expertise in mechanical engineering combined with good old-fashioned know-how gleaned from experience “on the farm and in the woods” has enabled him to draw closer to…
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November 28, 2017 0

Engineer775, Prepping and “Doomsday Preppers”

Doug, the host of Prepping with GoatHollow has none other than Engineer 775 from Youtube as his guest. Not only a well rounded prepper but very knowledgeable in E.M.P. and protection from, but also on water and how to get it where you want it. Engineer 775 is also now a consultant on Dooms Day…
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May 9, 2012 0