Tag: emergency

Emergency Evacuations!

Emergency Evacuations and Lisa Bedford Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone wants to know when is it time to “bug out”? Leaving too soon could cost you your job or reputation. Leaving too late could cost you your life. While every circumstance is different, Lisa gave this question its own chapter and covered the topic…
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December 7, 2015 0

Bleeding, Now what?

You’re bleeding! Now what? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Uh-oh, you’re bleeding! Perhaps it was a bite, a deep slice of a knife while processing a deer, a gun shot wound, road rash, or maybe an open sore. No matter what has caused the wound, it needs to be treated quickly and correctly

November 23, 2015 0

What if SHTF Right Now?

What if SHTF Right Now? Let’s do a small exercise. Say disaster struck right now and you have to bug in. Maybe it’s an EMP, maybe it’s an economic collapse, maybe Martial Law or State of Emergency are declared for some reason. What would be the first things to cross your mind when SHTF?

November 22, 2015 0

Technology, preparedness aspect!

Do You Have Your Technology Affairs In Order? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” As we know it’s not if an emergency happens it’s when… and one aspect that many folks forget about is having their technology affairs in order? Preppers are preppers because they have the food, the bug out bags, and everything

November 13, 2015 0

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ A couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives…
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October 26, 2015 0

Bleeding, tips to control in emergency!

Bleeding, tips to control in emergency! Just recently I had the misfortune of accidentally cutting a deep wound in my hand. It was severe enough that I should have gone into the doctor and I still may. I know from experience that properly taken care of it would require several stitches. It is a clean wound…
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October 19, 2015 1

Civilian Emergency Response Team!

Civilian Emergency Response Team Training In A Nutshell! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be stepping into my roots (Shout out to my hometown fire department Triune-Halleck Fire Department within the Emergency Response Community and talking about one of my favorite classes I used to teach…
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October 6, 2015 0

The Emergency Garden!

The Emergency Garden Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn is so excited to have Prepper Author and Story Teller Ron Foster on her show this week. They will be discussing Ron’s book  The Bug Out Gardening Guide – How to Grow Food When It Absolutely Matters and you will be glad you…
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October 1, 2015 0

Herbal First Aid Kits Pt2

How To Build Your Herbal First Aid Kits Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” We are going to pick up exactly where we left off last week talking about herbal first aid, first aid kits, and how to build such a kit. I had just started discussing tinctures, so we will recap the single…
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August 2, 2015 0

Triage, Post-Collapse Priorities

Triage, Post-Collapse Priorities Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” The worst has happened. The S has hit the F, and civil unrest has erupted in its wake. Resources are tight, and many good people are now open to doing some not so good things. One day, a group rolls into town, raids your neighborhood’s resources, guns…
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July 19, 2015 0

Emergency Scenarios & Handy Tech Preps!

Emergency Scenarios where Tech Preps Come in Handy Hosts: DirtyLew and Highlander “Tech Preps” In this episode of “Tech Preps,” Highlander and I will be discussing different emergency or crisis situation and how technical preps aided or could have aided in those scenarios. We will also be giving example scenarios and how technical preps could…
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May 9, 2015 0

Self Reliant Strategies!

Do You Have Self Reliant Strategies in Place For The Dangerous World We Live In? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Due to mix up in guest schedule and a great save by our host Karen of Lil’ Suburban Homestead this show is primarily about Winter Preps with Open Chat and a show well worth listening to…
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February 17, 2015 0

Urban emergency, are you prepared?

Urban emergency, are you prepared?  Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn interviews Jim Cobb, Survivalist and Preparedness Expert, author of “Countdown to Preparedness and “The Preppers Complete Book of Disaster Readiness” and blog owner at Survival Weekly. Karen Lynn and her husband The Viking have been working weekly through Jim’s book “Countdown To Preparedness”…
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January 26, 2015 0