Tag: emergency

Should I Bug In or Out

Should I Bug In or Out. Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player provided! That statement is actually too simple to be accurate, there’s way too many variables that weigh in, but the gist of it rings true… If given a choice of bugging out or bugging in, I’d bug in, knowing I should go.…
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August 20, 2017 0

Emergency Communications

Emergency Communications Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio player provided! Way back when our prepping community was developing on YouTube, I had identified an important subject; Communications. In a grid down scenario or some other emergency, being able to communicate or at least listen, would be vital for information, Intel and would be a huge psychological…
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June 10, 2017 0

The First 24 Hours

The First 24 Hours Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy Forest and Kyle take a stab at the age old Prepper questions: when do I bug out and what happens in the first 24 hours. Let’s just say that you are in for a reality check.

March 25, 2017 1

Preparing For Your Personal Disaster!

Preparing for your personal disaster! Host: Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Sometimes we find ourselves playing a game of “what if” in the world of homesteading and prepping. What if the grid went down or If there was another world war?  What if there was a pandemic?

March 22, 2017 0

Data Storage for SHTF Emergency Bug Out

Data Storage for SHTF Emergency Bug Out Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below! The thought of bugging out is a real threat. Have you thought of the data you have and how you would store it, take it with you or use it on the road? The world today offers us many…
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December 13, 2016 0

HAM RADIO expert Robert Hawkins!

HAM RADIO expert Robert Hawkins! Tom Martin “Galt Strike” On this episode of Galt Strike we will be talking with HAM Radio expert Robert Hawkins. When the grid goes down, you’re going to want to communicate. HAM Radio has passed the test of time and proven to be the best way to communicate in times…
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September 4, 2016 0

How to Set Up an Emergency Community Clinic!

How to Set Up an Emergency Community Clinic Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” What would you do if our modern medical system were compromised and local medical facilities were no longer operational? Once again, I will be joined by Survival Instructor, Chuck Hudson, to take an in-depth look at the realities of setting up an…
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August 22, 2016 0

Family Emergency Planning!

Family Emergency Planning Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” In today’s world we are always connected. Cell phones, computers, and social media are almost always within our reach. This ease of access also comes with ease of mind. With a few swipes you can see where your children, wife, and even friends are. It’s not hard…
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August 6, 2016 0

Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Family

Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Family It would take an ambulance or emergency workers to help take care of any harmful or havoc situation which may happen on a street or in a community. What will you do if God forbid anything happens in your own home? Should you be prepared for any emergency…
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July 20, 2016 0

Emergency Preparedness Generalized

Emergency Preparedness Generalized Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s of survival we will be talking about generalized emergency preparedness. The recent flooding that devastated southern West Virginia gave me pause and made me reevaluate my own level of preparedness. 99% of the people we rescued

July 13, 2016 0

Staying warm with no power!

Could you stay warm if the power were knocked out? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Although the Punxatawny Phil the groundhog predicts an early spring, it is as yet only February and a cold blast is on the way for much of the US.  Blizzard conditions predicted for the midwestern north and with blizzards sometimes comes…
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February 11, 2016 0

3 Emergency Survival Tips!

3 Emergency Survival Tips! There are many types of natural disasters in the world today. There are hurricanes, tidal waves, bush fires and floods. Most of these emergency disasters manifest themselves when you least expect them. Their effects can change lives and even kill people in the hundreds of thousands.

December 21, 2015 0

“Home” Considerations for getting there!

“Home” Considerations for getting there! With so much focus on bugging in and out scenarios, I feel that not a lot is being said about those crucial moments when disaster strikes and you’re away from home. When you’re away from your preps, your bug out bag and your stockpile, things will be that much tougher.…
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December 12, 2015 0