Tag: emergency

How Preppers Beat Themselves

How Preppers Beat Themselves As a writer in the survival and prepping space I am often pondering questions that affect the average prepper. Things like time and money or family, which of these gets in the way the most? This interesting line of thought has led me to something that I think is relevant for…
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December 14, 2018 0

American Redoubt Radio!

American Redoubt Radio David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! When someone new to prepping wants to go beyond the blister-pack walkie-talkies they purchased at Best Buy or some other retail store, they are usually directed to become a ham radio operator. To obtain an FCC amateur radio license that’s the right…
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October 3, 2018 0

Emergency Bag Basics!

Emergency Bag Basics Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post So here it is. What do you keep in your emergency bag? Are you carrying items that are necessary for you and your family. In our household we have a bag for each individual. Do you? Do the children and the adults…
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September 16, 2018 0

10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind People!

10 Emergency Preparation Tips for Blind People! Emergencies often happen without warning, and at a moment’s notice. This can pose a problem for blind people and others with disabilities and their caregivers. Therefore, it is necessary for these individuals to have a well-thought out plan in case of an emergency. Here are 10 emergency preparation…
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August 8, 2018 2

7 Basic Survival Skills Every Man Should Know!

7 Basic Survival Skills Every Man Should Know! The modern convenience can blind us to the truth of a disaster striking. But once in a while, we have to contend with one of the many disasters that can test our will to survive. Think of a horrendous storm or bushfire that knocks out power. Even…
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May 22, 2018 0

Emergency Procedures during travel

Emergency Procedures during travel David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! This show we talk about what to do in in different types of emergencies when you are travelling. Let’s face it, most Prepper are ready if they are at home with all their gear but what should you do when your…
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April 29, 2018 0

Creating an Emergency Plan… Part 2

Creating an Emergency Plan… Part 2 David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! Dave has Guy Snodgrass return to finish up how you can create an emergency plan. Guy answers key questions on how to pick a bugout location and more importantly when the right time to bugout is. What are the…
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April 8, 2018 0

Creating an Emergency Plan

Creating an Emergency Plan David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! Dave comes back from his traveling shows to have a very special guest Guy Snodgrass on this show. Guy is an author, a publisher and a retired US Army Warrant Office with plenty of time in combat zones and Special Forces.…
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April 1, 2018 1

How to Create a Family Preparedness-Emergency Plan!

How to Create a Family Preparedness-Emergency Plan The US witnessed one of the worst hurricane seasons in hundreds of years, and that was on top of the countrywide flooding and storms that inflicted parts of the country into panic. These kinds of weather situations aren’t uncommon and are happening around the world at an increasing…
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February 16, 2018 13

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode?

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This special show is going in a different direction than originally planned. A number of things happened over the past week that have relevance to prepping that need to be said.

December 4, 2017 0

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters By H. Davis Technology is starting to dominate many aspects of the emergency planning profession. This is particularly true during a disaster response. Since the dawn of man, there have been countless natural disasters responsible for taking lives and causing chaos throughout cities.

September 25, 2017 0

Wound Care Essentials!

Wound Care Essentials Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Are you ready to act as your own emergency medic if you needed to? Even if you have taken a first aid certification class for work, you’re not really prepared for much beyond put pressure on the wound and call 911. But, what if…
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September 25, 2017 0

10 Ways to Catch Fish in an Emergency

10 Ways to Catch Fish in an Emergency Unwanted times can hit you at any time in the world. There are many cases where outdoorsmen faced the survival issues and they were unable to find the aid and their supplies also finished like water and food. We always pray that these incidents should not happen…
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September 15, 2017 0