Tag: Economy

NBC Guy talks with Chin about the 4th Turning

Listen to “NBC Guy talks with Chin about the 4th Turning” on Spreaker. 1 (60s): Tyranny and fight for the rights. Our creator bestowed us in the United States constitution. We all the prepper broadcasting network. 0 (1m 11s): Well, hello, everyone out there on the internet radio land. Let me get this volume right…
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August 10, 2020 0

Econ Update 2020.06.29 – INFLATION

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July 1, 2020 0

Markets and Economy!

Markets and Economy! Ray Becker… “The Ray Becker Show” Audio player provided! I am returning to focusing on the economy. In the first segment I am going to cover the equities markets, metals, the dollar, Shanghai metal prices, BDI, VIX…All of the Indicators that we’ve been following. I believe that it is critical for us…
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August 16, 2017 0

US Banking, Currency and Economy!

US Banking, Currency and Economy Host: Ray Becker… Audio player provided! My show was to be about the Economy and that’s where I should remain. I am going to do a long series of shows on Banking, Currency and Economy. My first priority is to continue the monitoring of the economy to try and determine…
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July 19, 2017 0

The W’s of Buying Silver!

The W’s of Buying Silver! Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio in player below! Ray, also known as Renaissance Man takes some time to discuss buying Silver. When you think of Silver, try not to think of it as money. Silver and Gold are store of value. All we’re doing is converting our fiat Federal Reserve Notes…
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June 4, 2017 0

Renaissance Man introductory show economy and more!

Renaissance Man introductory show economy and more! Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio in player below! On this, my first show with Prepper Broadcasting Network, I will start off with a brief introduction about me and some of the information that I will be covering. We will then look over some economic indexes and any key…
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May 28, 2017 0

The Time is Now to Get your Preps in Order!

The Time is Now to Get your Preps in Order! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this show our host have a special message for you. Forrest and Kyle collectively have decades of prepping, firearms experience, training, and survival experience. That collective knowledge, experience, and research would like to say…
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April 29, 2017 0

Bartering, Then and Now!

Bartering, Then and Now! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! On this special episode of I Am Liberty we talk about taking advantage of the barter economy that is alive and well out there. Dare I say it could even be growing. We are in the most entrepreneurial time in history. Everyone is…
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April 13, 2017 0


ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart devotes the entire hour to his new release, ECONOMICCOLLAPSE, the third installment in his best-selling Prepping for Tomorrow series. Available in eBook, Audiobook, and Paperback, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE has already

April 29, 2016 0

Bartering history and present day!

Bartering history and present day! James Walton “I Am Liberty” The history of bartering dates all the way back to 6000 BC. Introduced by Mesopotamia tribes, bartering was adopted by Phoenicians. Phoenicians bartered goods to those located in various other cities across oceans. Babylonian’s also developed an improved bartering system. Goods were exchanged for food, tea,…
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September 25, 2015 0

Is this the beginning of the end?

Is this the beginning of the end? Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week has seen a sharp dive in several markets across the globe. The Chinese market that has been over valued for a long time is now crumbling down like a stack of cards. Wall Street followed shortly after and we are now…
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August 29, 2015 0

EBOLA, The Real Threat?

EBOLA, The Real Threat? Host: Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” Apparently there are no missing airliners recently, as the Mainstream Media turns it’s 24 / 7 attention to the Ebola outbreak, endlessly discussing the minutiae of which nurse may or may not have been exposed, there is another more ominous threat from this disease that’s…
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October 22, 2014 0

Will America and Canada Fall Together?

Will America and Canada Fall Together? Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” We have all heard plenty about the impending economic collapse.  But how many of us really understand what it means?  Just how does an economy or more specifically, a currency collapse?  How about the Canadian economy more specifically?  Again, we have heard that the…
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March 21, 2014 0