Tag: economic collapse

American Exit Strategy!

American Exit Strategy Host: Dave Womach “The Gun Show” With the implementation of Executive Order 13603 giving Obama full dictatorial rights over all water, food, transportation, energy, construction, health resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and fuel – the implications are radically dangerous. We all need an exit strategy. Join us Monday on The Gun Show when…
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January 13, 2014 0

What would it be like to fight after SHTF?

Ever wonder what it’d be like to fight after SHTF? What if it was triggered by a grid down due to economic collapse, or worse yet, an EMP? Would you be ready to fight without the use of modern equipment and communications? In a way, it’d be like getting teleported back in time to the…
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May 20, 2013 0

Secure the economic collapse, keep printing the money!

The money never stops printing. There are so many reasons to prepare. Just keep in mind as you piece together your worst case scenario the money is always printing. On the way to work, while you eat dinner and as the kids go off to school the next day, printing. Print money and gambling with…
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April 12, 2013 0

Joe Nobody and Apocalypse Drift on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he celebrates his heritage of Scots-Irish rebellion and also interviews author Joe Nobody.  Joe is the author of several non-fiction books on defensive shooting and has a series of fiction books called Holding Their Own. His newest fiction book is titled Apocalypse Drift and, in a…
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March 18, 2013 0

The Economic Collapse on “Off Grid Preppers”

There has been an exciting development for tonight’s show! Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse has agreed to join me on Off Grid Preppers. Many of you will already be familiar with Michael’s popular daily blog, but if you haven’t discovered it yet, you owe it to yourself to have a look. The Economic Collapse…
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September 18, 2012 0

Goat Hollow and “The Chain”

A discussion on how vulnerable our just in time modern world is.  How much more complicated this problem has become,  in just the last ten years, and where the “Weak links” are that can easily disrupt our modern life style.  You’ll be surprised!!! Listen in player below. Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio…
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April 18, 2012 0