Tag: E.M.P.

Grid Down Black Sky Event!

Grid Down Black Sky Event! David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below Imagine waking up in the middle of the night. You are suddenly jarred awake by a strange warning siren you rarely hear. You’re equipped with a NOAA Weather Radio in your bedroom but it hasn’t gone off. Is it the…
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September 12, 2018 0

Nuclear and Man-Made: The E.M.P. Threat

Nuclear and Man-Made: The E.M.P. Threat Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program,  Author Bobby Akart, and the threats our nation faces from an EMP:  Electromagnetic Pulse. Bobby’s poignant analysis of the EMP threat has achieved #1 Bestseller rankings on Amazon including the all-important Disaster Relief, Arms Control, War & Peace,…
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September 1, 2017 0

The Simpsons and Fox, their take on Preppers facing the end of the world!

Fox entertains us with their version of Preppers last night on “The Simpsons”. While their representation was not far from the version that main stream media or National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” portrays a Prepper to be it did make this Prepper smile, even laugh. In my humble opinion they were a little closer to the…
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January 7, 2013 3

Engineer775, Prepping and “Doomsday Preppers”

Doug, the host of Prepping with GoatHollow has none other than Engineer 775 from Youtube as his guest. Not only a well rounded prepper but very knowledgeable in E.M.P. and protection from, but also on water and how to get it where you want it. Engineer 775 is also now a consultant on Dooms Day…
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May 9, 2012 0