Tag: Dying

Handling loss and suffering!

Handling loss and suffering! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! A child’s first exposure to the idea of loss and suffering often comes through the death of a family member or family pet, divorce, separation. The world as they know it comes to an end. This fixture, once a permanent part of their…
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August 27, 2018 0

The Dying: Knowing when to let go!

The Dying: Knowing when to let go! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below In this show we will be continuing the theme from last week. EK is back and will be discussing when to let a person die. One of the hardest and most loving things you can do is let a person go.…
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November 18, 2017 0

Death and Dying!

Death and Dying Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show EK is back. She will be talking about a very tough topic. Death, dying, and the stages we all go through in the process. In this show we will be discussing what stages a person goes through when they know they are…
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November 4, 2017 0