Tag: Drought

Dealing with Drought!

Dealing with Drought Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! On this episode of Reality Check, we are discussing drought. We will be discussing some tips on how to conserving water, what plants and crops can tolerate long periods of dryness, and how to use smart watering in order to keep things green. First is to…
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July 7, 2018 0

Drought, worlds end!

Drought, worlds end! Host: Jackir “Apocalypse Nana” Put on those sunglasses, suntan lotion, and sun block, prepper peeps, because it’s getting extremely hot in the bunker this week, and not in a good way. There will be no swimming and lifeguards on duty in the bunker, Enders! As the deep-freeze of America is at its…
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February 12, 2015 0

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” It takes a bit of forecasting in order to be effective and prepared. I could tell you how to keep warm this week as many parts of the nation are experiencing colder than normal temperatures. The fact is the average person…
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February 21, 2014 0

Were you prepared for wildfires and drought across the U.S.?

Is the end in site for the wildfires in Yosemite? Over 5,000 firefighters at Yosemite National Park are using all the means at their disposal and estimate 33% containment but drought is making progress difficult. The 163rd Wing of the California National Guard at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside is hoping to have access…
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September 1, 2013 0

Gardening and Drought on “Preparing to Provide”

Gardening in a Drought on Preparing to provide! … With the crazy spring weather, a lot of gardens are late this year, putting them right in the middle of summer when it’s often hot and dry. Dealing with drought can be a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to…
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June 11, 2013 1

Applications and uses of solar power!

Back on track. Last week because of illness our live show was cancelled but PerbainPrepper is ready to roll on this topic of solar power and more. Read following description of this live broadcast! Join Deb with more “Common Sense Prepping” as she and her guest Sargent Dale, talk about applications and uses of solar…
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January 18, 2013 0

Applications and uses of solar power! “Live Show Cancelled”

Join Deb with more “Common Sense Prepping” as she and her guest Sargent Dale, talk about applications and uses of solar power.  Dale and Deb will also be discussing the need for water and why any long term survival depends on a source. The word Prepper, is a modern name for common sense people who…
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January 11, 2013 0

Goat Hollow on Drought!

Join GoatHollow in this episode of “Prepping With GoatHollow” for a discussion on the current drought.  What it means for Preppers, how to adjust your preps, and a few side effects that you might not have thought about! While topic did go off track a lot of good information was still passed with good participation…
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August 30, 2012 0

Are you chicken?

  Are you chicken?  With the continuing drought in the Mid-West, corn prices have hit an all time high on the commodities markets.  Beef and pork prices are primed to soar!  Join GoatHollow this Wednesday 8/1/2012 at 8:00 p.m. Central time, for a discussion on keeping a few backyard chickens, the advantages, pitfalls, and gaining…
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August 1, 2012 1

Natural Disasters!

From Tornados to Earthquakes and everything in between, we will discuss how Mother Nature can give you days to seconds before disaster strikes and what you need to know to survive. As this week I witnessed at a distance how Mother Nature can turn your life into ashes in a matter of seconds leaving those…
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June 30, 2012 0

DROUGHT the unforseen Natural Disaster!

The unsung disaster! DROUGHT! Most never think of drought as a Natural Disaster, yet it is often the costliest of all. Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path as we quench the thirst for knowledge about the Natural Disaster facing a large portion of our Nation today, with no end yet it sight. It’s…
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May 22, 2012 0