Tag: Dreams

Dreams, reality, and the apocalypse!

Dreams, reality, and the apocalypse! Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” Our eponymous hosts will go all out and delve into the possibility of a world affected by our dreams, and possibly destroyed by them as well! They’ll look at the theory from it’s “Inception” and discuss the shockingly apocalyptic roots of the shared dream state theorem.…
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January 21, 2015 0

Turning Dreams to Realities!

Turning Dreams to Realities- Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” It’s a nightmare in the making and far from the ole American dream. Who hasn’t looked around and begun to wonder about the economic future and possible impacts of a continually slowing and possible collapse of our economic world. Food prices, once fairly…
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March 2, 2014 0