Tag: disease

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! The dive bombers aka heat seeking missiles of summer have arrived in full force and have invaded our lives. They strike like stealth missiles and and their attack always leaves it’s mark, often for days! The dreaded mosquito. Depending upon where…
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June 27, 2018 0

Lyme Disease Part 3

Lyme Disease Part 3 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Lyme disease, aka borreliosis, causes a range of symptoms and can lead to life-threatening conditions. Common Lyme symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, fibromyalgia-like pain, trouble sleeping, and difficulty with focus and memory. Left untreated, which is common, Lyme can move deep into the…
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April 23, 2018 0

Lyme Disease Part 2

Lyme Disease Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This show picks up where we left off last week in a series on herbs and Lyme disease. We will talk more about various herbs for Lyme, as well as Lyme coinfections. Check out last week’s description (below) for more about this series.…
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April 16, 2018 0

A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

A Chat with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Be sure to tune in for this episode of Herbal Prepper Live where my guests will be none other than the leaders of the Medical Preparedness field themselves, Joe Alton, M.D. (Dr. Bones) and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P. (Nurse Amy),…
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April 2, 2018 0

Smallpox and other biological agents

Smallpox and other biological agents David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! On this episode in Dave shares information he has learned about Smallpox and other Biological Agents that could be usd in a terror attack. H ex[lains the ways you can protect your selves and your family members if a Bio…
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March 4, 2018 0

SHTF Pest Control!

SHTF Pest Control Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! I do not know of a single human on this planet who enjoys mosquitoes, ticks, roaches, or creepy crawlies. Barring the entomologist in the world, being outside with bugs can mess up a perfect camping trip. Fortunately, there are many options to spray around and…
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November 11, 2017 0

Hygiene being #1 or #2

Hygiene being #1 or #2 Sam Coffman “Herbal Medic” Hygiene and sanitation, how prepared are you really in regards to  and (in the worst case) coping with gasto-intestinal disease in a post-disaster environment?  Today, on The Human Path Sam Coffman discusses everything you ever wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t!) about purifying

November 29, 2015 0

Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs

Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode, learn to fight serious respiratory infections with herbs. Herbs can be used successfully for everything from the common cold to influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, and more. We will discuss simple, every day herbs, plus a few which may be new to you.…
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February 14, 2015 0

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete?

Pandemic Checklist: Is Yours Complete? Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we’re going to go over what belongs on a “pandemic checklist”, and how Herbal Medicine can help fill in the gaps on that checklist. The massive Ebola outbreak in West Africa has caused a surge of interest…
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October 12, 2014 0


PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM EBOLA Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” There’s a lot of hype and fear here on the Internet regarding the Ebola outbreak, and you may be concerned about your safety, and that of your loved ones. I know I certainly have been, because my Wife has a suppressed immune system. I’ve done some…
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October 8, 2014 1

Coping with hygiene and sanitation, being #1 in the #2 business!

Hygiene and sanitation, how prepared are you really in regards to  and (in the worst case) coping with gasto-intestinal disease in a post-disaster environment?  Today, on The Human Path Sam Coffman discusses everything you ever wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t!) about purifying your water, taking care of human waste, and dealing…
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September 11, 2013 0

Cancer and Disease, Medicinal Hemp/Cannabis Oil part 3

Can this oil really heal people and pets with cancer and many health issues? Learn how important the Hemp Cannabis Plant really is THE ANSWER to restoring the well-being of the planet: environment, health and industry. Rick Simpson joins Sheri, “The Organic Pet Lady” again for the third part of the series on the Pet…
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July 30, 2013 1

Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

What would you be willing to do to prove a point?  Would you be willing to take off your shoes, and go barefoot for as long as it takes to achieve your goal? Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz, probably best known for their work as a production team on the Back to Eden movie with…
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February 7, 2013 0