Tag: discomfort

Dental Care Post-Disaster!

Dental Care Post-Disaster! Sam Coffman “Herbal Medic” This week, I will talk about dental hygiene and tooth care using unconventional (primarily herbal) approaches. First, how do you take care of tooth hygiene, cavities and gum disease in a post disaster setting where there is no dentist and possibly no toothpaste, toothbrushes or other dental hygiene supplies?…
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June 18, 2015 0

Tips for workout recovery!

Tips for workout recovery! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” This is a topic I love to talk about. This is also one of the toughest topics in the prepper world. People run from fitness and its kind of funny to me. I get it but at the same time its essential so I will…
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November 14, 2014 0