Tag: disasters

Land Navigation in Emergencies and Disasters!

Land Navigation in Emergencies and Disasters! David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below. You might ask yourself, “What does navigation have to do with All Hazards Communications Preparedness?” That would be a reasonable question if you are not familiar with search and rescue and disaster communications. Land navigation is integral to mapping…
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October 17, 2018 0

Surviving Disasters Pt 2

Surviving Disasters Pt 2! When Mother Nature isn’t to blame! Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! You’re faced with a decision you thought you would never have to make. You and your family have to leave everything you’ve ever known behind in order to escape danger. What do you do? What do you take?…
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September 28, 2018 0

Surviving Natural Disasters!

Lifesaving Tactics Part 3: Surviving Natural Disasters Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! On this episode of the Gunmetal Armory, the Mistress of Metal opens the vault door to our “Storm Shelter”. Here in the USA, we have seen multiple natural disasters that have destroyed many cities, infrastructure, taken many lives, and they just…
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September 21, 2018 0

The Prepper as an Ambassador

The Prepper as an Ambassador James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! With the influx of disasters and attack in 2017 I made the proclamation back in October that it was the year of the prepper. Never before have we been faced with so many major league disasters that touched on so many issues.…
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January 4, 2018 0

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters

Emergency Management: How Technology Can Impact the Way We Prepare for Disasters By H. Davis Technology is starting to dominate many aspects of the emergency planning profession. This is particularly true during a disaster response. Since the dawn of man, there have been countless natural disasters responsible for taking lives and causing chaos throughout cities.

September 25, 2017 0

Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural Calamities!

Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural Calamities Since the dawn of man, there have been countless natural disasters responsible for taking innocent lives and causing quite a bit of both material and emotional damage. Fortunately, since technology is so advanced nowadays, we are much better equipped to deal with this kind of scenario than…
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July 30, 2017 0

Mother Nature and Disasters

Mother Nature and Disasters Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! This week, Mother Nature takes center stage in a horrible way with Hurricane Matthew turning a mild hurricane season into one of devastation & carnage. We will broadcast live from coastal South Carolina DURING the storm, as it heaps heavy winds, rains…
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October 9, 2016 0

Nature’s Calling: Preparing For The Worst

Nature’s Calling Preparing For The Worst By H.D. Imagine yourself at home in the living room, relaxing while listening to the news. During the broadcast, you hear one of the anchors say, “The state has officially issued a tornado watch and warns all residents to be prepared in case they have to evacuate.” You glance…
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October 1, 2016 0

Paranoia in prepping good or bad?

Paranoia in prepping  good or bad? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” We often get called paranoid and crazy. We also get told that nothing will ever happen, we will be fine, and we do not have to worry about anything. I am sure the people who suffered Katrina, or Fukushima thought the same thing till disaster hit…
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May 17, 2016 0

Emergency Evacuations!

Emergency Evacuations and Lisa Bedford Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone wants to know when is it time to “bug out”? Leaving too soon could cost you your job or reputation. Leaving too late could cost you your life. While every circumstance is different, Lisa gave this question its own chapter and covered the topic…
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December 7, 2015 0

DJ Cooper Surviving Dystopia!

Surviving Dystopia, What the heck does that mean? DJ Cooper In it’s most basic sense? “The art of Getting By” In 1516 Sir Thomas Moore coined the word Utopia… in his book of the same name, he is describing a society possessing near perfect qualities…. Dystopia is described as the opposite of that, often characterized…
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July 13, 2015 0

How Many Disasters are You Prepping For?

How Many Disasters are You Prepping For? The reason I’m asking is this: too many preppers are getting ready for TEOTWAWKI yet they don’t concern themselves with natural disasters that claim American lives each and every year. This got me thinking so I started to do a little digging to see just how prepared most…
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April 20, 2015 0

Food storage & survivalism misunderstood!

Food storage & survivalism misunderstood! Host: Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” Today is a show about one of the fundamentals of modern survival philosophy, food storage. Food storage is actually something that at one time was simply something everyone did. Every home in America at one time seemed to have a root cellar full of…
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January 10, 2015 3