Tag: Digital

The Digital Age: Technology!

The Digital Age: Technology! When is it too much? Jordan “A Family Affair” audio provided below! During this time every year, everyone is getting ready for the holiday season. Buying presents and gadgets, all sorts of technology at our fingertips. Being able to purchase gifts has been simplified by technology. Even everyday life has been altered. …
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December 10, 2018 0

Tech Preps… Digital Archiving and Communication!

Tech Preps, Digital Archiving and Communication – Staying Prepared Technically. Host: John Smith “Tech Prep” With over 45 different shows it looks as if Prepper Broadcasting has finally filled a void that many preppers/survivalist have been wanting to hear. Tonight Prepper Broadcasting brings you the premier of “Tech Preps” hosted by John Smith. Each week…
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April 8, 2015 0