Tag: diabetes

Diabetes after an EMP

Diabetes after an EMP Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! In this episode, I cover some of the herbal, dietary, and glucose-monitoring strategies available for off-grid, post-disaster diabetes care. Diabetes is a serious condition in the best of times. Unfortunately, however, diabetics are particularly vulnerable to an EMP.

December 11, 2017 0

Sugar and Soured Health

Sugar and Soured Health Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below! The last APN Report was all about lowering the amount of salt in a diet as a good way to lose weight. Not so much of a diet but more of a lifestyle choice & awareness of what is in the foods we…
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March 31, 2017 0

Surviving Gangrene Post-SHTF

Surviving Gangrene Post-SHTF Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Please join me and my guest, Emergency Preparedness Instructor, Chuck Hudson, as we talk about one of the nastiest and life threatening conditions in a post-SHTF situation- gangrene. At one of Chuck’s recent classes, he had the opportunity to work with a woman

June 27, 2016 0

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) not only comes with uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms, PCOS raises a woman’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, and cancer. These are potentially deadly diseases no matter if we have access to medical help or not. They…
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September 13, 2015 0

Diabetes Post-Collapse

Diabetes Post-Collapse Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Many preppers are stockpiling pet meds, bulk over the counter medications, and asking their doctors for an extra refill or two on their normal prescriptions. Some are also stocking up on herbal remedies and essential oils. More medical, first aid, and herbal books are being written with…
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May 4, 2014 0

SHTF, Pets and Herbs for Chronic Illness

What about our pets? Economic collapses has come and were off to our retreats with all our pets in tow. So now what do we do? Do you know how to take care of your pets? What should we have on hand to ensure our pets, which are now becoming alert dogs, be taken care…
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April 29, 2014 1