Tag: Devices

Using SDR for SHTF Information Gathering!

Using SDR for SHTF Information Gathering Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below If the Internet crashed or was restricted due to FCC regulations and you wanted to get the news how would you do it? With small, $20 piece of hardware and a computer you can listen to police, fire, and EMS. Did you…
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January 20, 2018 0

Preppers Medical Equipment

Preppers Medical Equipment Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps “ Audio in player below! Well I’m back! I know it has been a while since I did a show because of a major medical problem. I talk about this incident during this episode of Survival & Tech Preps in player below. This show will be appropriate, in…
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March 7, 2017 0

EDC, Then and Now, What did soldiers carry?

EDC, Then and Now, What did our soldiers carry? Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever thought of technology and how it came about? Let us define technology, it is not just computers and gadget, technology is manmade devices, objects, tools that are designed to aid in man’s work, pleasure, and over all progress. In this…
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October 5, 2015 0

Devices for Survival!

Devices for Survival! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” A growing number of preparedness items that the typical prepper has in their kits are run by batteries. From Iphones to AM/FM radios to ham HT’s and flashlights, these low power devices need juice. There are several ways to keep them charged, either with their built in…
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March 1, 2014 0