Tag: dept

How to “prep” when in debt?

How to “prep” when in debt? I’ve heard the question and seen it posed on many forums; do I forgo bills in order to build my preps? Maybe pay just the minimum on my bills in order to build on my preps or do I not worry about my preps until I have my bills…
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September 13, 2014 4

When We Default China Will Understand!

When We Default China Will Understand! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” Out of all the countries that the United State government could have made a deal with, it had to be china? What the hell were they thinking? First of all they are a communist country that oppresses there citizen’s. No free press, tightly…
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January 3, 2014 1

Preparing to homestead, without going into dept!

On this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” “Preparing to Homestead” What should you be considering when you preparing to homestead, without going into dept. Come join BexarPrepper’s journey and lessons learned preparing to homestead, while living in the city.  Share lessons you’ve learned during on your path to self sufficiency. Listen to this show…
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September 18, 2012 0