Tag: dependent

The Technological Divide!

The Technological Divide Highlander “Tech Preps” “Can young people survive without tech, Can older people survive with it?” In this episode I will be discussing the technological divide between older and younger generations. I will discuss how dependent the younger generation is on technology and if it would be possible for most of them to…
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July 18, 2015 0

Technology dependent, then & now!

Technology dependent, then & now! Host: Crazy Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” In this show we will be discussing technology from the early 1900s vs modern day technology and if this technology has made our lives easier, better, or just plain lazier. Thru out history we have always had technology advancements, but in the past 100…
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May 16, 2015 0

Collapse-Resilient Health Care Plan!

Collapse-Resilient Health Care Plan! Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ Modern medicine has some truly wondrous, life-saving procedures and medicines. It excels in it’s diagnostics techniques and heroic interventions. However, does the US really have a health care system? I say, emphatically, “no”. Much of what we have is a “sick care” system, with a…
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March 15, 2014 0