Tag: dehydrating

Harvest Time the right time to Preserve!

Harvest Time the right time to Preserve! Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Now that we’ve reached the Fall season, we’ve reached the time to harvest & preserve foods for the coming winter… or at least that’s what people have done from the dawn of time. Today, normal folk now count on…
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November 27, 2016 0

What you should consider and know about dehydrating, rehydrating, and canning!

There are many out there that are preserving their own foods or are just starting and are on their way to learning the ends and outs of long term food storage. There is a lot to learn along the way and like any other endeavor you enter into it takes a lot of research and…
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August 27, 2013 0

Dehydrating, Rehydrating What you need to know!

So lots of you have been asking about rehydrating your foods. So tonight on Preparing for Life’s Storms BexarPrepper will be answering those questions. Like How much water do I use? Does it need to be boiling or just hot or can I use cold water? How much dehydrated corn does it take to make…
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June 4, 2013 0

Mater and Tater on self sustainability!

You asked for it so here it is! Join Mater and Tater tonight 9:00pm/Eastern 8:00pm/Central 6:00pm/Pacific for a fun and informative hour as they combine their extensive knowledge on all things relevant to a self sustaining lifestyle in this final hour of the month. Who is Mater and Tater? Rest assured you know them and…
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April 30, 2013 0

Canning vs. Dehydrating What Method is the best approach?

You found this great sale at the store, roast beef and carrots and you’re not sure what method would be the best approach. That’s a question that many people have; how do I know which method to utilize for with product? Come join BexarPrepper on Preparing for Life’s Storms Tuesday February 12th at 8 pm…
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February 12, 2013 0

Gardening and Food Preservation Strategies for Hard times!

For much of the country, it’s the END of gardening and canning season. And many of us are ready for a break from the endless gardening, (watering!) harvesting, and preserving we’ve been doing these last few months. But it’s never too early to start thinking about, and planning next year’s harvest. I have a few…
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October 25, 2012 0

Preparing For Life’s Storms talking about dehydrating!

So on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we’ve covered gardening, canning and communications. About now your exhausted from all the gardening and canning and you want to do something easy with those end of season harvest that are just to small to can. So this week were going to be talking about dehydrating. What can you…
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August 21, 2012 0

Aj’s Prep Talk with Mr. Ndcouey from youtube!

Tonight’s show, Aj’s Prep Talk we talked with another seasoned prepper. Mr. Ndcouey from youtube he has been sharing his knowledge with us for over two years.  Doing everything from shooting weapons, knives, bug out vehicles, canning, dehydrating, making tinctures and just plain having fun.  He has given back to his community and encouraged others…
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August 6, 2012 0

Food and Water preps with guest The Armchair Survivalist!

Food, Water & supplies – What type and amount do you have and how to you plan to add to the supplies? Do you have enough food? Or do you have the ability to grow food, hunt and fish?  Karen and Chris along with a special guest Kurt Wilson “The Armchair Survivalist will discuss everything…
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April 27, 2012 0

Michigan SnowPony, homesteader extraordinaire on American Preppers Radio!

Youtuber MichiganSnowPony is homesteader extraordinaire. Her name is Renee and if the topic is farm animals, she has raised them. If it’s in the kitchen, dehydrating, canning, preserving or preparing, she’s been there and done that. With thousands of fans on YouTube she has been hit with about any question you might imagine and if…
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March 28, 2012 2

American Preppers Network Radio!

We have taken on a new look. We have added another player and are adding new shows. If you are canning, dehydrating, and preserving, we have it covered with our latest addition “The Homestead Honey Hour”. Self defense, protecting your preps, we have that. Preparing for natural or man made disasters, we have the show…
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March 12, 2012 1