Tag: Defending

Defending Your Home Part 2!

Defending Your Home Part 2! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Last week we all learned that we have behavior problems and that we need discipline. We discussed ideas for Light, Sound, Smell, Sanitation, and Appearance discipline. In…
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October 28, 2017 0

Defending Your Home!

Defending Your Home. Part 1. Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! A famous line from a movie once quoted, “This is my house. I have to defend it.” Well folks, it’s time we circle the wagons and develop a battle plan for defending our home. We will learn how to play a disaster like…
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October 21, 2017 0

Defending the First Amendment

Defending the First Amendment James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! This week we have seen the first amendment under attack like never before. Are you prepared to defend the first amendment? Not only now but in hard times. we will also discuss the importance of the second amendment in…
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October 20, 2016 1

Unlawful Orders, Defending the Constitution

Unlawful Orders, Defending the Constitution Host: Joe Prepper “Survival Revolution” Do soldiers and law enforcement understand the Constitution well enough to know when their pledge to defend it is required? When is allegiance to people and our Constitution enough to betray an institution you belong to, and a brotherhood you love? Should our military and…
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June 7, 2014 1