Tag: Debt

Debt – Contemporary Slavery…

Debt – Contemporary Slavery and Prepping for the Future Gale Newell We know – it’s a topic everyone hates. I hate it too. Prepping is about securing a homestead, about making a plan for your family, and about living in a day in which the economy fails and our legal tender (paper money) becomes utterly…
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June 10, 2014 0

Our money and how we might be masters of it instead of slaves.

The average American family has burdened themselves with — depending on what source you believe — $7,500 to $16,000 in credit card debt alone.  As of December 12th, the average credit card rate stands at over 14%.  You don’t have to be a whiz at math to see this is not a good situation to be…
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December 19, 2012 0

Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

The Prepper Folks are very excited to have the opportunity to welcome Ray Gano.  Ray is a lecturer,  blogger,  and the author of “Survive The Coming Storm” By Ray Gano . Ray lives a preparedness lifestyle.  Tonight we will be talking to him about how he is prepping and why he is prepping.  We will…
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June 9, 2012 0

Debt and Prepping!

I’ve heard the question and seen it posed on many forums; do I forgo bills in order to build my preps? Maybe pay just the minimum on my bills in order to build on my preps or do I not worry about my preps until I have my bills paid off? How about screw the…
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October 25, 2011 2