Tag: crafts

Handmade Herbal Gifts

Handmade Herbal Gifts Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Calling all DIYers! Want some ideas for frugal, quick-to-make holiday gifts? You still have time to to make loads of handmade, natural, herbal gifts. Be sure to listen to Herbal Prepper Live this Sunday to learn how. The herbal crafts I’m covering require…
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November 28, 2016 0

The Legacy You Leave Behind!

When we think of leaving a legacy we may or may not think of what we do every single day. Leaving a legacy begins with teaching and passing on knowledge. Helping those who are closest to us to understand, learn and execute the skills, trades, crafts and knowledge that we implement and employ every single…
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July 25, 2013 0