Tag: cooking

Preparing IC’s Favorite Meal

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September 17, 2021 0

Back to Basics – Cooking Oils With The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Back to Basics – Cooking Oils With The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (15s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age all the way up. 0 (51s): 1 (1m 13s): Hello everyone. And welcome to the next…
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January 29, 2021 0

Important Cooking Techniques for Preppers

There are all kinds of high speed tactics, gear and tips that one can get all wrapped up with when it comes to preparedness. This is all a part of preparedness but its easy to get too wrapped up in calibers and Kevlar. You can forget that the core of prepping comes down to two…
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February 16, 2020 0

Properly storing fuel for the Apocalypse!

Properly storing fuel for the Apocalypse! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! This week we are going to be talking about some of the common techniques for storing fuel. This topic has been covered before, but it bears repeating since tornado is starting and hurricane season isn’t that far off. In this show, we…
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March 31, 2018 0

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs!

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs! Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Our relationship with the herb reaches back thousands of years and at one time herbs were an essential part of life. We used them to preserve food as well as make foods more nourishing. We used them for medicinal purposes and for religious…
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February 14, 2018 0

EMP Friendly Downgrades on Your Homestead

EMP Friendly Downgrades on Your Homestead If you’re lucky enough to have a homestead, you’ve no doubt discovered the peace of mind that comes with being more self-sufficient. Providing for your family through homesteading can be extremely rewarding even in normal times. It can be empowering to grow food, raise your own livestock, and provide…
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November 21, 2017 0

The Foodie Show

Pizza, Pickles, and Well Heck It’s The Foodie Show Karen Lynn “Lil Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn is interviewing Teri from Homestead Honey to discuss her book. Also her upcoming e-learning cooking course. Teri has been on The Prepper Broadcasting Network before with Karen Lynn to discuss her off-grid tiny house living lifestyle (Listen Here)…
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November 23, 2016 0

The Frying Pan!

The Frying Pan! James Walton “I Am Liberty” After all of the horror this week I need a break. I want to head back into the world of cooking methods. We have had some fun in the past with our cooking method shows. There are still many more methods to talk about. I feel like…
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June 18, 2016 0

Cooking with wax! The Ark Stove

Cooking with wax! The Ark Stove James Walton “I Am Liberty” Many of you have come to enjoy my hour long commentary once a week. You know its seldom I bring someone on the show as a guest. Frankly, I guard our time together selfishly. Also nothing bothers me more than listening to a carni…
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June 11, 2016 0

Broiling and Baking!

Broiling and Baking James Walton “I Am Liberty” For week two of the I AM Liberty series of cooking methods we are going to move the conversation over to the dry side. Week one was all about the wonders of braising. This week we are going to talk broiling and baking. Do you even use…
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May 21, 2016 0

Braising, inexpensive meats made great!

Braising, inexpensive meats made great! James Walton “I Am Liberty” For our first week in this series on cooking we are going to talk about braising. This cooking method is my favorite by far. This is a transformation technique that often involves tougher cuts of meat. This means cheaper cuts of meat. If you can…
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May 14, 2016 0

Dry and Moist Cooking Methods!

Dry and Moist Cooking Methods James Walton “I Am Liberty” This weeks episode will be an intro to what will be a series on cooking methods. I am thinking we will need almost 8 weeks to cover both the dry and moist methods to cook. These methods were the base of my training as a…
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May 7, 2016 0

Cooking – Deep South Style

Cooking – Deep South Style Host: Joe Prepper “Survival Revolution” If you grow, hunt, harvest and store your own food…you’re going to need to know how to cook it. If you’ve listened to a few podcasts then you know I have lived up north, out west and down south…and each has it’s own cooking style.…
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November 29, 2014 0