Tag: conspiracy

Viral Conspiracy and Behavior Modification on I AM Liberty

Listen to “Viral Conspiracy and Behavior Modification” on Spreaker. 0 (14s): Have a broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. 1 (52s): PBN family. What is going on James Walton here? This is the,…
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August 12, 2020 0

Conspiracy Theories and Prepping – The Next Generation Show

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July 15, 2020 0

Conspiracy Theories and Prepping – The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Conspiracy Theories and Prepping – The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (12s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (48s): 1 (1m 9s): Hello everyone. And welcome to the…
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July 15, 2020 0

IRA , 401K, Conspiracy, and Pizza Gate!

IRA , 401K, Conspiracy, and Pizza Gate. Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! “The Prepping Academy.” This  show for Friday December 2nd, 2016 Forrest and Kyle have guest Ross Powell on the show. Ross operates Survival 401k and will be with us to discuss the condition of the economy. Also how…
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December 3, 2016 0

Conspiracy Theory 101

Conspiracy Theory 101 Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show in player below! There’s worry among the prepper community about government or others and tracking. Would you like to know the facts about conspiracy theories when it comes to tracking? You may be surprised at the capabilities to track individuals and if you think they do not exist you…
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September 27, 2016 0

Situational awareness, seeing the threats that surround you!

The Smith Fix … SITUATIONAL AWARENESS TODAY. It is not the big crowds you need fear. It is the 2, 3, or 4 young angry idiots who have been spoon fed “Hate Whitey” by the press and our government. A brick through your windshield does not require a riot. There is nothing wrong with you…
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July 17, 2013 0