Tag: Concealed carry

Taking Aim at Concealed Carry!

Taking Aim at Concealed Carry Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below! No topic seems to draw more fire (sic) from both sides of an issue than the right to keep arms. When it comes to opinionated debate, any discussion involving personal defense can be counted on to be full of passion, since…
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April 21, 2017 0

Firearm selection!

Firearm selection! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” It’s time to explore a topic I have only touched on a few times on the show, firearm selection. I know everyone has a passionate opinion on this topic with what they believe is the right weapon to have in any given circumstance! We explore selecting a firearm for…
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March 9, 2016 0

How to best choose a suitable weapon and the importance of training!

On this episode of  Aj’s prep talk as requested, we will have a special guest. Kent is a CCW (Concealed carry weapon) instructor with us.  Aj recently got the privilege of spending time with him on the range and getting very valuable instruction.  We will be talking about how to best choose a suitable weapon…
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September 10, 2012 0