Tag: Community

Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF?

Many Preppers ask themselves the question of, Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF? As we have just seen with Hurricane Sandy, sometimes there is no choice.  There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents which can come upon us all of a sudden and we are for a…
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November 16, 2012 0

What if we are hit with a Plague?

As Preppers, we plan for the worst and hope for the best. We just never know from one day to the next what can impact our lives. There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents we expect to happen, and although they can leave us feeling at a loss, a plague, is a…
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October 5, 2012 0

Aj’s Prep Talk with LowBuckPrepper!

On Aj’s Prep Talk she is talking to The Lowbuckprepper from youtube. Lowbuck is a big part of the prepper community. In addition to his youtube channel he also hosts a website bringing us Real Day Preppers. This show unlike those cohered television broadcasts, give you an honest look at real preppers in their own…
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July 9, 2012 0

Convenience, Complacency and Community

Join TheMrsVolfie and the other Honeys on the Homestead honey hour.  We will  talk about the three C’s Convenience, Complacency and Community..The pit falls and strengths of how we live today and how we can share our experience strength and hope for a better tomorrow! Listen to this show in player below! Listen to internet radio…
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June 21, 2012 1

BexarPrepper and MistyShooter223 another Homestead Honey home run!

BexarPrepper hosted The Homestead Honey Hour with her guest MistyShooter223. MistyShooter shared what she has learned living the homesteading life, that most of us are trying to achieve. She’s a wife of 16 years, mother of four and a heck of a person. Her personal philosophy is that she has never met a person who…
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May 10, 2012 0

Community Preparedness!

This show deals with community preparedness. Groups, and the roles that need to be played by members to maintain continuity. Also discussed are the skills and duties required by all in an emergency situation. Listen to show in player below. Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio on Blog Talk Radio Go to show…
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March 12, 2012 0