Tag: Communist

Will the Marxists Start Using Guns?

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July 10, 2020 0

NBC GUY: Collapse Happens!

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July 3, 2020 0

Communist Attack on Self Reliance!

Communist Attack on Self Reliance Host: James Walton “Visit I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! Can we get a little historic? Can we look at some of the early communist teachings? Not in the black board and chalk method ‘a la Glen Beck’ but from the prepper stand point. As an American its pretty…
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March 16, 2017 0

When We Default China Will Understand!

When We Default China Will Understand! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” Out of all the countries that the United State government could have made a deal with, it had to be china? What the hell were they thinking? First of all they are a communist country that oppresses there citizen’s. No free press, tightly…
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January 3, 2014 1

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” Have you noticed something different about the way your children are being taught? Have you noticed the way that teachers approach their job lately? Have you noticed little changes in the work your children are bringing home? Did you think there may be…
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November 14, 2013 0