Tag: communications

Communications Security!

Communications Security, Before, During and After SHTF David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below Everyone with two eyes to see and two ears to hear knows how little (none?) privacy we have these days. Forrest Garvin, founder of Carolina Preppers Network and the newly formed PrepperNet organization is a computer security expert…
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September 5, 2018 0

Electric Power, Communications the Essential Ingredient

Electric Power, The Essential Ingredient For Communications Preparedness David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! Electricity from the Earth??? Trees that grow 16 feet in just a year??? 500 watts of electricity from one solar panel??? More powerful batteries shrinking its size? You’ll learn about those startling developments from Allen Summers our…
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August 29, 2018 0

David Vine Introduces Himself Joined by “Reality Check”

New PBN Host David Vine Introduces Himself & Talks With Micheal Kline, Host of PBN’s “Reality Check” David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! What do you want to know about All Hazards Communications Preparedness? We want to share with your knowledge gained from life-long experiences with all forms of communications– in…
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August 22, 2018 0

Communications Grid Down!

Communications Grid Down! Ray Becker… “The Ray Becker Show” Audio player provided! So, you got your long term storable food and fresh water is covered. You have your ammo and some gold and silver. Imagine a grid down scenario…no power, no running water. We now enter the Psychology aspect of Prepping. The isolation. The not…
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July 28, 2017 1

Emergency Communications

Emergency Communications Ray Becker “Renaissance Man” Audio player provided! Way back when our prepping community was developing on YouTube, I had identified an important subject; Communications. In a grid down scenario or some other emergency, being able to communicate or at least listen, would be vital for information, Intel and would be a huge psychological…
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June 10, 2017 0

Personal Radio Communications

Personal Radio Communications Bob Hopkins “APN Report” Audio in player below! I bet some folks got a handheld radio in their Christmas Stocking this year. I bet also, some may be having a hard time figuring out how it works too. This Saturdays show is about personal communications, to help those poor souls who may…
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January 8, 2017 0

Radio Communications

Radio Communications Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to understand how to communicate off-grid. Ok you got CB’s, hams, high and low frequency, pricey and cheap antenna’s? Well on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we talk about setting up our communications and

December 28, 2016 0

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions!

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions! DirtyLew & Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever wondered where the ideas for these gadgets we use today came from? Have you ever owned a “Flip Phone?” Ever watched Star Trek created by Gene Rodenberry? Are you familiar with Jules Verne or Edward Bellamy? They are among many that have inspired our imagination with their…
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June 20, 2015 0

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead Part III

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead Part III Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour” This week on the Homestead Honey Hour I’ll be concluding by discussing the Barn and Barnyard as well as all those things that come under the category of Miscellaneous. Whether you already keep livestock on your place, are thinking of adding something new, or…
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March 27, 2014 0

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics!

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics! Hosts: Gary L. & Gee’sBoo ‘The Road Less Traveled’ Welcome to this week’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled with GaryL and GGsBoo. On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our…
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February 22, 2014 0

Earthquakes in the US, Not Just a West Cost Issue

Earthquakes in the US, Not Just a West Cost Issue Host: James of “I Am Liberty” About 2 years ago, long before I Am Liberty, I was cooking pizza for some folks at the cafe who employed me at the time. When the world began to shake underfoot the windows made the most noise and…
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October 11, 2013 0

An Old Geezer and His Tips on Communications!

When regular means of receiving information are not available such as television, am/fm radio, telephones, and cell phones where should one go? Most experts would agree that of all forms of radio communications that may be put to use in a post disaster situation the Ham Radio (amateur radio) would be the most valuable in…
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September 3, 2013 2

Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

One of the simplest ways to prepare for disaster is to buy and stock up on ready-made foods and gear. There is nothing wrong with this unless it is your only strategy or unless you are only interested in being able to survive for a week or two. However, during any kind of disaster that…
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August 28, 2013 0