Tag: communication

Communication Security practicing through obscurity!

Communication Security practicing through obscurity! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! Have you ever thought you were being followed? Have you ever seen that one particular vehicle everywhere you go? Are you nervous that the government is after you? Well let me set your fears to rest. You are being tracked and there is…
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August 12, 2017 0

Survival Communication!

Survival Communication w/ Jim Cobb Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week we will have Jim Cobb from Survival Weekly on the show to talk about his new book “Prepper’s CommunicationHandbook: Lifesaving Strategies For Staying In Contact During And After A Disaster.” We talk about communication with ham radios, walkies-talkies, shortwave radios, scanners,

March 30, 2016 0

Communication with others!

Communication with others! James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was talking with a woman the other day who i assumed was very left wing. I am always shocked at how similar we all are. The problems become evident when we dont understand how to communicate. This is half the problem in America today. If you…
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November 21, 2015 0

Applications for Preppers!

Applications for Preppers! Host: John “Tech Preps” Applications to help guide you around during crisis scenarios or when the “SHTF.” In this show, Highlander and I will be discussing different (PC, iOS and Android) applications to use during a crisis scenario, on-the-go or when the SH** hits the Fan! Whether is a navigation application, a…
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April 25, 2015 0

Tech Preps… Digital Archiving and Communication!

Tech Preps, Digital Archiving and Communication – Staying Prepared Technically. Host: John Smith “Tech Prep” With over 45 different shows it looks as if Prepper Broadcasting has finally filled a void that many preppers/survivalist have been wanting to hear. Tonight Prepper Broadcasting brings you the premier of “Tech Preps” hosted by John Smith. Each week…
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April 8, 2015 0

Secure Communication Through The Internet

Secure Communication Through The Internet Host: Dr. John Waterman “The Waterman Files” Secure communication through internet is the main focus of this show with special guest, “Herio” also this is THE big week! The week for the tipping point (Webbot). A tipping point that is suppose to have a huge impact on our future. Comparing…
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January 7, 2014 0

Breaker 1-9 for a copy! on The Prepared Canadian

This week on The Prepared Canadian, we take a look back to the times of Smokey and the Bandit. Yup, you guessed it…CB radios. We look at the benefits as well as the pitfalls of using CB’s as a source of communications as well as how to get set up. Also, why and how to…
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June 1, 2013 0

Zippcast! The Youtube alternative.

In February, Doug hosted Louis Gualtieri Jr, and Brandon Vollor as his guests on Prepping with GoatHollow.  They are the chief officers of http://www.zippcast.com/.  ZippCast is the alternative to Youtube that most resembles, and acts like the old Youtube that many people know and love.  As I write this, the ZippCast site is down.  They’ve…
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May 2, 2012 0

An expert in rescue, survival and communications joins Prepper Broadcasting!

We have added a new host to our line up we would like you to meet. This preppers education and training in disaster services began at the age of 17 when hurricane Camille struck the Mississippi gulf coast on August 19, 1969, has also worked almost every natural and man-made disaster in Southeast Louisiana up…
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February 24, 2012 0

Have a family meet up plan ready!

Original Post “Meet Me Here” courtesy of Prepper Central With all the chatter lately about EMP (electromagnetic pulse), it makes one think there is something in the air. So this got me wondering if our readers have a plan for this scenario. Do you? We know if there was ever an actual EMP strike that…
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January 7, 2012 0