Tag: Communicate

Lack of Family Contact after SHTF

Lack of Family Contact after SHTF Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show, we talk about what it might be like if the big event happens and you can no longer talk to family or get news of their condition. After a SHTF event, the availability of news from across the nation…
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March 3, 2018 0

Radio Communications

Radio Communications Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to understand how to communicate off-grid. Ok you got CB’s, hams, high and low frequency, pricey and cheap antenna’s? Well on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we talk about setting up our communications and

December 28, 2016 0

HAM RADIO expert Robert Hawkins!

HAM RADIO expert Robert Hawkins! Tom Martin “Galt Strike” On this episode of Galt Strike we will be talking with HAM Radio expert Robert Hawkins. When the grid goes down, you’re going to want to communicate. HAM Radio has passed the test of time and proven to be the best way to communicate in times…
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September 4, 2016 0

Capitalism prevails over government programs, depend on yourself!

Imagine a world where you can’t trust the government, and you have to be totally self reliant. A world where you can’t even trust dispatch to send someone your way, should you need help. In many ways, we’re already there. In most major cities, you could set of your house alarm and order a pizza…
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September 2, 2013 0

OldGeezerPrepper and Communications with “Bexar Prepper”

Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to understand how to communicate off-grid. Ok you got CB’s, hams, high and low frequency, pricey and cheap antenna’s? Well on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” we talked about setting up our communications and communications network. OldGeezerPrepper from YouTube helped us to understand the basic and also answered…
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August 7, 2012 0

Communication in Time of Disaster!

After a disaster how will you communicate? No cell phones! No land lines! You are cut off from the world with no way to find out what’s going on around town, across the state or around the world. Think it couldn’t happen? Well, it did after Katrina, Andrew and other hurricanes and tornadoes like the…
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June 9, 2012 0