Tag: Common Sense Prepping

Prepper and Shooter

Prepper and Shooter Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping”  -CANCELED- Tonight’s show Prepper Shooter with Tara “Common Sense Prepping” has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Please return tomorrow night for “Best of Prepper Broadcasting” 7:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Ct  and “The Human Path” 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Pt.

December 30, 2013 0

Practical Preppers Founder on Common Sense Prepping

Practical Preppers Founder on Common Sense Prepping Host: Tara "Common Sense Prepping" Common Sense Prepping is proud to announce that Practical Preppers founder Scott Hunt will be this week’s featured guest. Although Hunt may be most well-known for helping develop the prepper’s scoring system for National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers series, the homesteading expert’s self-reliance expertise…
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December 26, 2013 0

Rob Underhill, Award winning director “The Carrington Event”

Rob Underhill “The Carrington Event” Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Award winning director Rob Underhill is the next featured guest on the American Prepper Broadcasting’s Common Sense Prepping radio show. Underhill’s The Carrington Event is a six-season television series which depicts the aftermath of a massive Earth-directed solar flare in America. The captivating and award-winning…
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December 16, 2013 0

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community author Michael Mabee is this weeks’ Common Sense Prepping radio show guest. Mike is very concerned about the vulnerabilities of the power grid and what would happen in American should the fragile electrical system fail. Mabee…
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November 25, 2013 0

MAGS: Mutual Assistance Groups!

Mutual Assistance Groups! Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Charley Hogwood of P.R.E.P. (Personal Readiness Education Programs) is the featured guest on the next episode of Tara and Common Sense Prepping. Hogwood’s preparedness and tactical training related resume is lengthy, to say the least. In addition to offering extensive and personally detailed survival training courses at his…
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November 17, 2013 0

Ron Foster on Common Sense Prepping!

Ron Foster on Common Sense Prepping! Host: Tara “Tara and Common Sense Prepping Common Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is Ron Foster. The popular prepper fiction writer also boasts decades as an emergency disaster professional. Foster, known as the Solar Prepper, on Twitter, will be discussing the power grid, EMPs, solar flare dangers…
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November 11, 2013 0

Pioneering Today!

Pioneering Today author Melissa Norris! Host: Tara Dodrill “Common Sense Prepping” Common Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is homesteading expert and author Melissa K. Norris. Melissa’s bestselling book, Pioneering Today, is a must read for anyone seeking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. The Christian mom from the Cascade Mountains believes very strongly…
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November 4, 2013 3

Surviving an Urban Disaster!

Surviving an Urban Disaster! Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping Urban survival expert Richard Duarte will be the guest on this week’s episode of Common Sense Prepping. The Surviving Doomsday: A Guide for Surviving an Urban Disaster author is also a firearms expert and attorney in Miami. Duarte’s book also boasts some vital information for suburban…
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October 28, 2013 0

Has good old common sense got up and gone these days?

We can easily get distracted with all of the things going on in the world today.  Deb and Dale are going to get back to the basics and talk about good old common sense prepping. There are many things to worry about and only so much we can do regardless of – if you fear…
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February 15, 2013 0

Preparing now for a worst case scenario.

Regardless if we fear a super-earthquake, a volcano eruption, war, or an EMP attack, survival will depend on being prepared. Only those who take on the responsibility now and are ready to learn sustainable skills will survive with some sense of security. Join Common Sense Prepping with Deb as she and her guest Host, Sargent…
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February 1, 2013 0

Applications and uses of solar power!

Back on track. Last week because of illness our live show was cancelled but PerbainPrepper is ready to roll on this topic of solar power and more. Read following description of this live broadcast! Join Deb with more “Common Sense Prepping” as she and her guest Sargent Dale, talk about applications and uses of solar…
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January 18, 2013 0

Applications and uses of solar power! “Live Show Cancelled”

Join Deb with more “Common Sense Prepping” as she and her guest Sargent Dale, talk about applications and uses of solar power.  Dale and Deb will also be discussing the need for water and why any long term survival depends on a source. The word Prepper, is a modern name for common sense people who…
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January 11, 2013 0

Preps for almost any situation and concentrating on the certain needs of women!

A Prepper is a name for people who always plan for the unexpected.  Tonight we will discuss ways to stay calm, clean, and prepared in a SHTF situation.  Join Deb on “Common Sense Prepping” this week as she talks about what Preps are needed for almost any situation and others things that good people are…
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December 28, 2012 0