Tag: Common sense

Going It Alone Won’t Work!

Going It Alone Won’t Work! Host: Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” Many preppers seem to think telling anyone, anything about your views on preparedness is a huge mistake. They point out it might make you a target of everyone who isn’t prepared when doomsday comes. Others seem to embody the very reasons others are so…
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June 28, 2014 0

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers!

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian“ Last week, I took a break from recording in order to go back to my hometown to help out some non preppers. On December 22, between 20 and 40 mm of freezing rain fell on several towns in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.…
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January 4, 2014 0

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures!

Illness, Sickness and Common Sense Cures! Host: James “I Am Liberty” About a year ago my son was still very young and smearing me with sickness like nothing I had ever known. His body was creating disease that was just perfectly compatible with my own. I missed more work from legitimate sickness that year than…
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December 6, 2013 0

Survivor Jane on “Common Sense Prepping”

Survivor Jane will be the featured guest on this episode of Common Sense Prepping on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. The female preparedness phenom is the author of the viral Twitter hashtag – Preppertalk. She is currently involved with a special NatGeo project related to the new season of Doomsday Preppers, and is finishing work on…
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October 21, 2013 0

Hope! The Simpleton and Common sense.

The following article, written over a half century ago, I recently stumbled across and for myself it was one that I could not let go of. I read and re-read several times, each leaving me with new visions of what was and what is, of what I hope to be and what I hope I…
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September 21, 2013 0

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that?

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that? Yep true story! This Sunday on the Other Side of a Preppers Path we’ve got the answers from how to store cleaning supplies, to uses for garlic, coffee, vinegar and more. We are even gonna talk about how to squeeze more out of what you’ve got, along with…
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April 28, 2013 0

Has good old common sense got up and gone these days?

We can easily get distracted with all of the things going on in the world today.  Deb and Dale are going to get back to the basics and talk about good old common sense prepping. There are many things to worry about and only so much we can do regardless of – if you fear…
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February 15, 2013 0

The Simpsons and Fox, their take on Preppers facing the end of the world!

Fox entertains us with their version of Preppers last night on “The Simpsons”. While their representation was not far from the version that main stream media or National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” portrays a Prepper to be it did make this Prepper smile, even laugh. In my humble opinion they were a little closer to the…
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January 7, 2013 3

Preps for almost any situation and concentrating on the certain needs of women!

A Prepper is a name for people who always plan for the unexpected.  Tonight we will discuss ways to stay calm, clean, and prepared in a SHTF situation.  Join Deb on “Common Sense Prepping” this week as she talks about what Preps are needed for almost any situation and others things that good people are…
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December 28, 2012 0

A special guest on ballistics operations and training.

Join Debbie of “Common Sense Prepping” on this broadcast for a common sense talk on ballistics operations and training.  Debs guest is an experienced weapons expert who has a knack for helping new preppers,  get over the fear of powerful weapons.  Debs guest will be able to answer many questions that might be on your…
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October 26, 2012 0

Common sense ways we can prepare now!

In our hurried lives, there never seems to be enough time or money for Prepping.  Still, prepping is a very important part of our future and most of us realize the need to take care of ourselves rather than be dependent on others. Getting our whole family on board sounds easier than it is. Join…
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September 28, 2012 0