Tag: Common Core

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” Have you noticed something different about the way your children are being taught? Have you noticed the way that teachers approach their job lately? Have you noticed little changes in the work your children are bringing home? Did you think there may be…
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November 14, 2013 0

The Collapse Started Yesterday! w/ James Wesley Rawles

“The Collapse Started Yesterday”  live broadcast on American Preppers Radio! Starting us off with tonight’s broadcasts, The Gun Show with “The Collapse is coming” It’s time to sell everything you don’t need, and can’t use for barter later.” New York Times Best Selling Author James Wesley, Rawles says. Find out why in an interview by…
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September 30, 2013 0