Tag: comfort

What You Cannot Live Without!

What You Cannot Live Without! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! As survivalists and preppers its pretty common that we get asked or ask ourselves the question of what 5 things or what 10 things would you bring into the wilderness or whatever scenario. While there are some prepping items that must be…
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April 12, 2018 0

Priorities -vs- comfort!

Priorities -vs- comfort DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” In our preparations we tend to focus on the priorities. Usually these are a pretty standard list of things.  Water, food, shelter, first aid and security.  We always seem to find some new gadget or item to add to these groups but forget something that could be just…
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April 21, 2016 0

10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had!

10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had! The following 10 items are not just a wise idea to think about for that emergency kit but also for that weekend camping trip or that visit to the relatives for a weekend. Can you count the number of times when upon reaching you destination you realized what it…
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October 20, 2015 0