Tag: collapse


ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart devotes the entire hour to his new release, ECONOMICCOLLAPSE, the third installment in his best-selling Prepping for Tomorrow series. Available in eBook, Audiobook, and Paperback, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE has already

April 29, 2016 0

What is your TEOTWAWKI?

What is your TEOTWAWKI? Bobby Akart “Prepping for Tomorrow” On this week’s special episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart takes the mic and discusses a topic sure to stir some conversation: WHAT IS YOUR TEOTWAWKI?

March 18, 2016 2

Science Fiction & Omega Plague

Science Fiction & Omega Plague: Collapse Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on the Collapse experiment i will be joined by fellow post apocalyptic author P. R. Principe. His new book Omega Plague: Collapse is currently ranking 4.5 stars on amazon and is quickly joining the ranks of the best Science Fiction in the Indy…
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October 10, 2015 0

Kicking ISIS Ass

Kicking ISIS Ass – an interview with Hanna Bohman of the YPJ Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” Saturday’s episode of the Collapse Experiment pod cast will feature an Interview with Hanna Bohman.  A former model turned soldier Hanna has spent time documenting the Kurdish fight against ISIS in Kurdistan.  In recent weeks she has been an…
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September 12, 2015 0

The Last Tree!

The Last Tree Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on The Collapse Experiment I will be discussing the state of collapse in the world today. Cecil the Lion will be one topic and what it represents for our place in the world. In This discussion I will cover the history of collapse and where…
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August 8, 2015 0

Obama a Felonious Miscreant!

Obama a Felonious Miscreant! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” There has been an issue that has plagued America for many years. It’s been in the forefront of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama and his agenda since his election to office in 2008. There are many campaign promises that are still…
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March 9, 2015 1

The collapse, when change will matter!

The Collapse, when change will matter! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” How many nations have fallen into a complete collapse? Better yet, in the last 200 years how many first world nations have broken down completely into complete chaos? This is not to say that the perfect scenario and the perfect set of circumstances couldn’t…
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August 15, 2014 0

The Collapse Started Yesterday! w/ James Wesley Rawles

“The Collapse Started Yesterday”  live broadcast on American Preppers Radio! Starting us off with tonight’s broadcasts, The Gun Show with “The Collapse is coming” It’s time to sell everything you don’t need, and can’t use for barter later.” New York Times Best Selling Author James Wesley, Rawles says. Find out why in an interview by…
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September 30, 2013 0

How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we?

We talk about it, prepare for it but will it happen? World chaos, the 2nd Great Depression, the largest hurricane in history hits Florida and another is bearing down on Texas, martial law is the order of the day. Domestic terrorist run rampant in our Country and the military might of the Middle East has combined…
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July 26, 2012 1

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

Part two of the 101 things you need to know NOW!

On The Surreal News our host Doug presents for you part two of a two part series, 101 things you need to know NOW, about the world around you. Much is going on in our world, while things seem to be much the same as always on the surface…We’re heading very rapidly for some very…
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May 13, 2012 0

The 101 list! Whats going on in our world!

 “The Surreal News” whips out the 101 list.  This is part one of a two part series that our host Doug put together and the numbers were indeed surreal. 101 things you need to know NOW, about the world around you. Much is going on in our world, while things seem to be much the…
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May 6, 2012 0

When is it foraging, looting, or survival, and why to prepare

There are around 300 million people in the contiguous US, and about 1900 million acres of land. That equals 6.3 acres of land per person if it was all doled out equally. What percentage of the US population do you think is actually prepared for a collapse, whether permanent or temporary? I bet it is…
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December 5, 2011 0