Tag: CME

EMP… Lights Out!

EMP… Lights Out! DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Most of us have heard of this thing called the EMP, but what exactly is it?  E.M.P. is short forElectro Magnetic Pulse, in essence a surge of electricity capable of frying modern electronics.

December 17, 2015 0

Rob Underhill, Award winning director “The Carrington Event”

Rob Underhill “The Carrington Event” Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Award winning director Rob Underhill is the next featured guest on the American Prepper Broadcasting’s Common Sense Prepping radio show. Underhill’s The Carrington Event is a six-season television series which depicts the aftermath of a massive Earth-directed solar flare in America. The captivating and award-winning…
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December 16, 2013 0