Tag: Chicken breeds

Chicken breeds, which is right?

Chicken breeds, which is right? Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” To Be or Not to Be-Chickens! Last we talked about whether you really should raise chickens or not, though they are relative easy to keep compared with other types of farm animals raising them isn’t a total walk in the park. Now that we’ve looked…
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April 13, 2015 0

Chicken Keeping!

Chicken Keeping! Host: Mike Podlesny “Mike The Gardener Show” In this week’s episode, Mike talks with chicken expert and author of the book Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy Healthy Chickens Naturally, Lisa Steele, about how you can use the herbs you grow in your home garden to raise healthy and happy chickens Lisa will explain…
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June 12, 2014 0