Tag: chem trails


So what if nothing ever happens? What if all that we do is for nil? Of course in the long run we will all save money and live better lives. Tonight on I Am Liberty I want to be the skeptic. I would love for you folks to prove me wrong. I want to question…
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August 2, 2013 0

A look into the conspiracy theory’s! “Part Two”

Part Two!  “the conspiracy theory”. The definition of a conspiracy theory is: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. Chem-trails, deadly vaccines, poison in the water, 911, and the United States government working against its citizen’s. I believe today we as…
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August 2, 2013 0

A look into the conspiracy theory’s!

This week’s show is going to be “the conspiracy theory”.  The definition of a conspiracy theory is: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. Chem-trails, deadly vaccines, poison in the water, 911, and the United States government working against its citizen’s. I…
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July 26, 2013 0

Charlie in the Box: The American people have been under attack!

Charlie in the Box is all over the White house and the IRS, and what transpired in Benghazi. The cover-up’s by the media and the government from the white house on down. The American people have been under attack by their government with vaccines, chem-trails, and poison in our water. But now they went and…
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May 25, 2013 0

“Foraging For Life” The risks, dangers and the more easily identifiable wild edibles!

This Friday on “Foraging For Life” we are going to discuss some of the safety issues surrounding foraging for wild edibles, and the reality concerning the  risks and dangers involved that are created by not only mother nature, but yes, our own government and chem trails. I’ll be leading the first part of the show…
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November 23, 2012 0