Tag: chat

Why not chat?

Why not chat? Finding quality shows to meet the demands of the prepper survival listening audience is no easy task. As producer of Prepper Broadcasting I’ve worked with many podcasters over the last several years. I have had many favorites but on occasion I have to stop and wonder, do I really have favorites? While…
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November 12, 2017 0

Herbal remedies for chat!

Herbal remedies for chat! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone waited patiently for the show to start looking forward to Cat Ellis, host of Herbal Prepper and her guest Michael Douglas of Maine Primitive Skills School. Unfortunately due to an emergency the guest was unable to show. However as many shows may have collapsed under…
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March 21, 2016 1

How to navigate, listen to live shows and archives!

We try to make it as easy as possible to navigate the site to listen to live shows and archives of all our hosts. I hope this video helps. Remember, refresh page at start of live show to have show in player.

March 3, 2012 7

If you are a prepper and you are canning food you need to watch this!

Listen to this episode in blogtalk player below youtube video! If you can or if you have never canned here is a great opportunity to learn and pick up on some great ideas. If it has been canned or can be canned Bexar Prepper more than likely has done it. She will be the guest…
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February 21, 2012 0