Tag: Canning

Preppers with Special Needs!

Special Needs? Just what are special needs, who has special needs? We think we know the answers to these questions and often ignore information using the term “special needs” because we don’t think it applies.  This broadcast on Tuesday 6/19 was about special needs and how special you really are.  Co-founder Janet Liebsch of FedHealth and…
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June 20, 2012 0

Smarter Storage for preppers!

One of Katzcradul’s subscribers wrote this week to say, that learning that she could make brown sugar by combining regular granulated sugar with a bit of molasses,  completely changed the way she thought about food storage.  She commented that she now understands that if she thinks smarter, she doesn’t have to store as many different…
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June 6, 2012 1

SkyBird and GoatHollow! nano technology to chickens

“SkyBird” from Youtube joins Doug on Prepping With Goat Hollow. SkyBird is a Youtuber and prepper from way back. Topics were prepper related including everything from nano technology that is becoming as important an issue to pay attention to as G.M.O..  A little canning was discussed as well as some great information on chickens, goats…
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May 30, 2012 0

BexarPrepper and MistyShooter223 another Homestead Honey home run!

BexarPrepper hosted The Homestead Honey Hour with her guest MistyShooter223. MistyShooter shared what she has learned living the homesteading life, that most of us are trying to achieve. She’s a wife of 16 years, mother of four and a heck of a person. Her personal philosophy is that she has never met a person who…
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May 10, 2012 0

All fun with BexarPrepper and The Hillbilly Prepper Gals.

Sissy Sue is a newby and Sissy Bob has been prepping for years. With BexarPrepper at the wheel of The Homestead Honey Hour and the Hillbilly Gals riding shotgun they covered some prepping ground. It was a wonderful show and as much a pleasure watching  all that was being said in chat as it was…
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April 12, 2012 0

Michigan SnowPony, homesteader extraordinaire on American Preppers Radio!

Youtuber MichiganSnowPony is homesteader extraordinaire. Her name is Renee and if the topic is farm animals, she has raised them. If it’s in the kitchen, dehydrating, canning, preserving or preparing, she’s been there and done that. With thousands of fans on YouTube she has been hit with about any question you might imagine and if…
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March 28, 2012 2

The Homestead Honey Hour Premier!

Noreen, BexarPrepper, Katzcradul and TheMrsVolfie with a stellar program to explain how the program came about, and the direction it will take.  The remainder of the program will be an ‘open-line’ question and answer session.  If there is a family member or friend that you’ve been trying to urge into self-reliance or prepping, this is…
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March 15, 2012 1

American Preppers Network Radio!

We have taken on a new look. We have added another player and are adding new shows. If you are canning, dehydrating, and preserving, we have it covered with our latest addition “The Homestead Honey Hour”. Self defense, protecting your preps, we have that. Preparing for natural or man made disasters, we have the show…
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March 12, 2012 1

Simply awesome on food preperation and canning!

If you have canned or have never canned we have something for you. The information provided below may just answer quite a few questions you may have. GoatHollow and his guest Katzcradul of Youtube fame gave us a stellar show full of information this Wednesday. With close to a hundred people in the chat room…
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February 29, 2012 1

What a haul in preps!

For most of us it’s a little at a time to stock up on them preps. For others it may be a little more but just a little less often in stockpiling them preparations. Then there are those that either save up or have the cash for the big haul. Of course it doe’s not…
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February 29, 2012 0

If you are a prepper and you are canning food you need to watch this!

Listen to this episode in blogtalk player below youtube video! If you can or if you have never canned here is a great opportunity to learn and pick up on some great ideas. If it has been canned or can be canned Bexar Prepper more than likely has done it. She will be the guest…
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February 21, 2012 0

Canning Without a Pressure Canner

Original post by Alaska Rose on A.P. N. First, a disclaimer. This is not an approved method for canning. This is for survival knowledge only. If you are in a survival situation and don’t have a pressure canner available but need to can some meat or vegetables to keep them from spoiling, you can do…
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December 19, 2011 0

Canning: For the experienced and the novice Prepper!

For those of you that already can I’m sure you will still welcome a lot of good information, maybe some tips and ideas you may not have known. For the novice or beginning Preppers that are researching the idea of canning yourself, kudos to you. Here is a link to a site you may not…
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August 18, 2011 0