Tag: buying in bulk

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path!

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path! Host: Sissy Bob “The Crooked Path to Preparedness This Tuesday on Best of Prepper Broadcasting Sissy Bob of The Crooked Path to Preparedness is discussing Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared…
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December 30, 2013 0

The Crooked Path to Preparedness discussing Prepping on the Cheap.

This Tuesday on The Crooked Path to Preparedness we are going to discuss Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared for tomorrow’s disaster. Most people are normal, everyday, overall wearing, average income earning people that have to…
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October 23, 2012 0