Tag: Burn Care

Honey and the Healing Power!

Honey and the Healing Power! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Honey is truly ancient medicine. The first written reference to the medicinal use of honey is on a Sumerian tablet over 4000 years ago. Honey has been used medicinally ever since. Honey is useful for many conditions, including wounds, burns , and…
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May 14, 2018 0

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ A couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives…
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October 26, 2015 0

Severe Burn Care When There’s No Doctor!

Severe Burn Care When There’s No Doctor! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Last week, we talked about first degree burns, specifically sunburns, which are common this time of year, and some simple natural remedies to address them. But, what happens if you accidentally spill a pot of boiling water on yourself or fall into a…
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May 30, 2015 0

Herbal Burn Care!

Herbal Burn Care Why You Need to Know How to Treat Burns Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” If you are preparing to function as the health/medical person in your family or mutual support group, caring for burns must be part of your training. Burns are wounds. And while first degree burns (usually sunburns)…
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September 21, 2014 0