Tag: Bug Out Vehicle

A Bug Out Vehicle from Scratch – The Next Generation

Let’s face it – Bug Out Vehicles are sexy. At least in the movies and in prepper fiction. But what goes into making a vehicle something that can withstand a solar storm, a natural disaster, or a roving horde? It could be the storm chasers that track tornados, or the bomb-proof disaster vehicles outfitted by…
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June 18, 2019 0

You’re Bug-Out Vehicle Preparing and Packing!

You’re Bug-Out Vehicle Preparing and Packing Most preppers know that even if a full-fledged bug out from their home location is not called for today, there will be plenty of times in the near future when they could be stranded in their car or will be in an emergency situation while driving or within reach…
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May 27, 2016 0

The Bug Out Vehicle

The Bug Out Vehicle Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” When it comes time to get outta Dodge, the only thing more important than knowing where you are going is having a way to get there. Despite all the worry about EMPs and such, the automobile is still the best choice for this purpose for many…
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November 23, 2013 0