Tag: bug out bags

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” On this live broadcast of “The Prepping Academy” join Forrest and Kyle as they discuss: everyday carry items, get home bags, and bug out bags. These are literally the backbone of prepping. The items you carry with you can literally make or…
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September 10, 2016 1

Food items that somehow gets either overlooked or under appreciated and the MRE.

This week on “The Prepared Canadian“, we are going back to the topic of food storage, but this time with a twist.  We will only take a look at on food item that somehow gets either overlooked or under appreciated…the MRE.  Meals Ready to Eat are not what they used to be.  These days they…
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January 12, 2013 0

Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What am I missing?

“Bug out Bags” Water, Food, First-Aid Kit and toilet paper. What should you include in your Go Bag, GOOD (get out of dodge) Bag, 72-hour kit, Egress Bag, E&E bag, grab bag, bail-out bag and so on? Considering weight what are the necessary items to carry. Do women need different items than men? Join us…
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November 20, 2012 0

Bug out Bags “In Time of Disaster”!

With all the things that Preppers are told they should have and all the things that we do have and are bug out bags, how much of it a necessity and how much of it is just wasted space? In this show “In Time of Disaster” for a while we will discuss the different items…
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September 7, 2012 0