Tag: bug out bag

When forced to leave, are you ready?

No matter how well prepared your home is, no matter how much food you have, no matter how well dug in you may be, there may come a time when the forces of nature or other issues could force you to leave your home at a moment’s notice.  This is known as bugging out, and…
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March 1, 2013 0

GO Bag, Good Bag or BugOut Bag…Supplies it should contain!

No matter what you call your “Bag” it could be the most important piece of equipment you have. Last nights episode of In Time of Disaster talks about what equipment and supplies it should contain that will allow you to survive for 3 or more days if you find yourself lost or traveling in the…
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March 17, 2012 0

A get home bag! Better equiped than many B.O.B.’s I’ve seen.

Do you have kids off to college or maybe on that weekend camping trip? Here is a get home bag that with a little adjustment may fit the temporary need you may have in a short term gotta get by situation. Give attention to the use of the vacuum sealer, a great idea as a…
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February 20, 2012 0