Tag: Bug Out

The Azure Highland Action Audio Drama

At the time of this post, our boys at PPH and Dave Jones the NBC Guy are conducting a bugout and link-up operation that has been titled The Azure Highland. This operation has been and will be broadcasted live as they carry on through the night and all the way to Saturday. We will be…
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July 23, 2021 0

Building the Baddest Bug-out Bicycle!

Building the Baddest Bug-out Bicycle! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! The bicycle is a child’s first form of tangible freedom. It is a rite of passage and allows the young boy or girl a sense of approval from parents to be adventurous, self-reliant and brave. That first successful sendoff is a bittersweet…
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August 13, 2018 1

Creating an Emergency Plan

Creating an Emergency Plan David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! Dave comes back from his traveling shows to have a very special guest Guy Snodgrass on this show. Guy is an author, a publisher and a retired US Army Warrant Office with plenty of time in combat zones and Special Forces.…
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April 1, 2018 1

Survival and bug-out gear multi-tiered survival!

Survival and bug-out gear multi-tiered survival set up. Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! Drawing from hard-won experiences our Spec Ops Teams have learned on the battlefield, this week we’re going to discuss single person, Multi-level Survival and Bug-Out Systems. This time we’re going to talk about how to transform your survival and bug-out…
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January 19, 2018 0

A Case for Williamsburg “Bugging Out”

A Case for Williamsburg “Bugging Out” Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we are going to be discussing an alternate idea for a bug out location. When we think about our bug out location what comes to mind? Do you think of a cabin in the woods, a homestead 30 miles…
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January 6, 2018 0

Bug Out Locations!

Bug Out Locations Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! There are various scenarios from the possibility of natural disasters to post-apocalyptic chaos that prompt people to find secret locations where they can exist off the grid. When there’s a natural disaster that covers quite a large area – like a hurricane, the necessity…
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November 14, 2017 0

To bug in, or not to bug in: that is the question!

To bug, or not to bug: that is the question. Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below In this show, we discuss the hardest question many of us contend with. Whether to bug out and flee to the woods or bug in and defend our home. We look at some of the pros and cons…
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October 7, 2017 0

Knowing when it’s time to bug out!

Knowing when it’s time to bug out! Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! On this episode of “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot are going to be discussing one of the most important and difficult questions to answer, “How to know when it is time to bug out?”

September 26, 2017 0

Harvey and Lessons Learned

Harvey and Lessons Learned Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we are preaching to the choir and beating a dead horse. However, only through repetition do we build muscle memory. We will be reviewing some of the lessons learned from the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. One of the biggest issues…
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September 9, 2017 0

Data Storage for SHTF Emergency Bug Out

Data Storage for SHTF Emergency Bug Out Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below! The thought of bugging out is a real threat. Have you thought of the data you have and how you would store it, take it with you or use it on the road? The world today offers us many…
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December 13, 2016 0

PREPPER BASICS Should I stay or should I go?

PREPPER BASICS: Should I stay or should I go? Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart will continue his month long discussion of prepper basics. The Prepper’s Conundrum is Bug In or Bug Out—Should I stay or should I go?…
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October 21, 2016 0

The City, EDC, and Preparedness!

The City, EDC, and Preparedness! Josh “7 P’s of survival” This show in player below! This week on the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we discuss various aspects concerning EDC, Preparedness and Self-reliance in a major city environment. Throughout the show I discuss a variety of major metropolitan areas, their laws regarding EDC, Preparedness…
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September 28, 2016 0

What is your bug out plan?

What is your bug out plan? Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” What is your bug out plan? I know what mine is! Do you have one? Or are you counting on being able to bug in and rely on your preps? If so I have some bad news for you, you might be in trouble!…
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June 7, 2016 0