Tag: budget

Buying on a Budget!

Buying on a Budget Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Have you ever wanted to start your preps but don’t know where to start. Well here it is ladies and gentlemen. The tips on this show will be tips for everyday and preps to be ready in any situation. Budgeting is…
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October 7, 2018 0

Fixed Income, Disability, and Single Mom Solutions

BUDGET PREPPING: Fixed Income, Disability, and Single Mom Solutions Dane… “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided! This week on The Gunmetal Armory, we are gonna discuss BUDGET PREPPING, Prepping on a Fixed Income, Prepping while on Disability, and finding Single Mom Solutions for building a BOB, a GOOD Bag, or even an INCH Bag for…
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March 23, 2018 0

Ultimate AR15 Budget Build Kit

Ultimate AR15 Budget Build Kit As I write this I am listening to congress discuss the next steps on gun control. They are talking about the failings of current measures and the possible imposition of new gun control restrictions. On another screen I am watching the youth of this nation streaming out of schools, screaming.…
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March 20, 2018 0

Creating On a Budget; Living Simple!

Creating On a Budget; Living Simple! Contributed by “Dakota” Being rich is a state of mind, mostly. I’ve never had a lot of money, but I’ve enjoyed the riches of others through my culinary career. I have work, good health, love, friends, live among nature, and a spiritual path. To me that’s riches. I’ve never…
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December 25, 2017 1

Prepping on a Budget!

Prepping on a Budget Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! On this episode of the “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot discuss one of the most talked about subjects in prepping, Prepping on a Budget. This subject has been on every blog and podcast out there. On this show we hope to share…
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October 3, 2017 0

Solar on a Budget!

Solar on a Budget Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show, we  discuss ideas for building a low cost solar powered system as an option to provide lighting and some, limited AC power in a grid down scenario. I discuss what I used and why I chose it. We will include the…
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August 19, 2017 0

Best Free Preps!

Best Free Preps! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This is all about those free preps you might not have known you can get for… well free! What about all those different items that you can reuse for prepping? Not only the reuse but also what we can do to make a little extra money for our prepping…
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September 13, 2016 0

Penny Pinching Prepper!

Penny Pinching Prepper Show Josh “The 7 P’s of Survival” This Week on the 7 P’s of Survival Live Show we will have Bernie Carr from Appartmentprepper.com and the author of the new book “The Penny-Pinching Prepper!” We will discuss several preparedness related topics covered in her book including: water distillation and alternative water purification…
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December 2, 2015 0

What are your EDC Gadgets?

What is your EDC Gadgets? Highlander “Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about edc gadgets, what is your favorite edc? We all look at bug out bags, or get home bags, but what about our edc? We use edc items more than any other thing we own, so why not make it practical and…
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September 28, 2015 0

Living On One Income

Living On One Income & Thriving On A Shoestring Budget Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn and The Viking reminisce this week about their season of living on one income and they even have a blog post at Lil’ Suburban Homestead called “The Top 10 Rules For Living On One Income & Thriving…
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March 31, 2015 0

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path!

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path! Host: Sissy Bob “The Crooked Path to Preparedness This Tuesday on Best of Prepper Broadcasting Sissy Bob of The Crooked Path to Preparedness is discussing Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared…
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December 30, 2013 0

Energy, This Prepper is Not Gonna Leave the Light On!

Sipping hot cocoa while contemplating the day ahead a chill pervaded the room. Glancing at the outdoor thermometer revealed the reason, 42 degrees and only September 5th. The realization that I better get the stove pipe repaired now, hit me. Autumn is on the way and in the natural course of things winter follows and…
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September 6, 2013 2

Gardening without the worry for water.

The inventor of the innovative “Self Watering Rain Gutter Grow System” will joins Doug on Goat Hollow and the Surreal News. It’s an exciting new way to garden without the hassle of watering. Imagine container gardening with very little weeding, complete control of your soil, and massive yields. Since Larry invented this system it’s been…
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August 28, 2013 0