Tag: book

Women with guns!

Women with guns! Ok, now that I have your attention… Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you enjoy prepper fiction, then you’ll love Annie Berdel’s book, Alpha Farm, The Beginning. Annie will be giving away a paperback copy of her book, as well as an audio copy. Alpha Farm, The Beginning has a solid story with un-apologetically…
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December 14, 2015 0

Emergency Evacuations!

Emergency Evacuations and Lisa Bedford Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Everyone wants to know when is it time to “bug out”? Leaving too soon could cost you your job or reputation. Leaving too late could cost you your life. While every circumstance is different, Lisa gave this question its own chapter and covered the topic…
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December 7, 2015 0

Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse

Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” This week on Surviving Dystopia it is my genuine pleasure to welcome fellow indie author P.R. Principe, Author of the post-apocalyptic novel, Omega Plague: Collapse. A description from his website on his book, “An airborne strain of the AIDS virus decimates

November 19, 2015 0

Science Fiction & Omega Plague

Science Fiction & Omega Plague: Collapse Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on the Collapse experiment i will be joined by fellow post apocalyptic author P. R. Principe. His new book Omega Plague: Collapse is currently ranking 4.5 stars on amazon and is quickly joining the ranks of the best Science Fiction in the Indy…
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October 10, 2015 0

Interview with Author James Walton

Interview with Author James Walton Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in for an informative and entertaining episode of Herbal Prepper Live. Joined in this episode with podcaster and author James Walton. You may know him from the I Am Liberty Show, or numerous articles in various preparedness publications. James is joining me to discuss…
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October 19, 2014 0

Realism in Self Defense Training!

Realism in Self Defense Training! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” We all hope for the best and prepare for the worst. When it comes to self defense most preppers/survivalists would rely on their stockpile of weapons and ammunition. What if for one moment your weapon was not at your side and the unexpected happens?…
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November 26, 2013 3

Surviving through a Financial Collapse

Surviving through a Financial Collapse Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman interviews Fernando Ferfal Aguirre, author of the highly acclaimed book, “Surviving the Economic Collapse.” Fernando lives in Buenos Aires and survived with his family through the sever financial collapse in Argentina near the turn of the millennia. During that time, citizens’…
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November 19, 2013 0

James Walton on The Prepared Canadian!

James Walton Guest Appearance Host Denob “The Prepared Canadian” What do the I Am Liberty show, the Reboot USA movement, and the book The Men Who Built The End all have in common? The answer is James Walton. James is the host of the I Am Liberty show, which focuses on the what next of…
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November 9, 2013 0

Pioneering Today!

Pioneering Today author Melissa Norris! Host: Tara Dodrill “Common Sense Prepping” Common Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is homesteading expert and author Melissa K. Norris. Melissa’s bestselling book, Pioneering Today, is a must read for anyone seeking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. The Christian mom from the Cascade Mountains believes very strongly…
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November 4, 2013 3

Ron Foster “Preppers road march” now ARk Storm! on Prepping With GoatHollow.

Ron Foster (The author of the “Preppers road march” books) will be my guest on Wednesday Sept. 19th at 8:00 pm.  Central time, to discuss his latest book titled ”Ark Storm”!!!  It’s the other California “Big one”, and it’s a doozie!  In my honest opinion this is Ron’s best book yet, so don’t miss this very special…
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September 19, 2012 0